Love Tarot - The Crossroads of Our Relationships
One of the most common inquiries during a Tarot reading typically concerns matters of romance and partnerships. Naturally, people consult the Tarot for answers about love. One would expect that most people would want knowledge about their future love life: who and when that special somebody would be entering their life. Yet, many come to the Tarot for guidance about a current relationship. Typically, these are the relationships that have reached a stalemate. In these cases, the relationships have lost their sense of direction or purpose.
The Tarot has an exceptional ability to uncover the areas in a relationship that are struggling. More importantly, the Tarot can identify the key issues that are going on within each partner. This often refers to each individual's emotional development, expectations, and past experiences that are being projected into the relationship. One would hope that the Tarot would tell us exactly what we need to do in order to bring harmony back into a relationship. In truth, this is not always the case. More often than not, the Tarot only opens the door to our own inner knowledge. Each individual holds the answers that they need. The Tarot is a conduit, a divinatory tool that enables you to access your unconscious and higher self. In the end, you are always your own best guide.
When utilizing the Tarot for answers on a relationship, it is important to recognize that there are some significant cards that often question your intentions and motivations. These cards often reflect important crossroads that require you to look within yourself to make important decisions. They encourage you to take a good hard look at your relationship and ask yourself if this relationship is something that is in your best interest. It's important to remember what the Tarot teaches us. They are there to guide us on our path. They are always a reflection of our level of personal growth and emotional development. In some cases, the Tarot is there to redirect us, to remind us that we have made the wrong choice or have become blinded to our own truths.
Although the Suit of Cups often plays an important role in Love Tarot, they are not the only cards that depict relationship issues. As I mentioned before, there are other significant cards that require you to ask yourself some important questions. Some of them our rather obvious like the Three of Swords, the Devil or the Lover. However, there are some that are unobvious. These are the cards of the Hermit, Death, and the Two of Swords.
The Hermit Tarot Card Meanings in a Love Tarot Reading
Traditionally, the Hermit is the seeker of truth and wisdom. He often represents the seeker's journey into the unknown. The Hermit's path is a shadowy one. The lantern he carries is symbolic of the mirror to our own selves. This is wisdom that is within in all of us. It is the power to see ourselves as we truly are.
Another common interpretation of the Hermit is the wise old man or advisor. In this respect, he is the messenger of truth, revealing the importance of forethought and circumspection. Since the Hermit can be a carrier of light, he is there to share his knowledge and light the path for others. He guides the seeker towards self-knowledge and self-acceptance.
When The Hermit is drawn a love Tarot reading, he typically represents a need to pause. This is a time for evaluation. In terms of a relationship that has come to a crossroad, the Hermit encourages you to go within and find your truth. The Hermit may indicate that your focus on your relationship will need to shift. This is not the time to make your relationship a priority. You would be better served by allowing yourself the freedom to do some soul searching. Although there may be some loneliness, the ultimate goal would be a transformative experience. After a period of introspection, you may be willing to work things out with your partner. A new perspective and sense of purpose can add valuable information for both you and your partner.
Death Tarot Card Meanings in a Love Tarot Reading
Death is not an ending, but rather is a part of a larger cycle. Although Death is often associated with something that is destructive, it really is an opportunity for something much greater. Death plants the seeds for the growth of tomorrow. Death is an act of generosity as it cleanses and purges the remnants of our old lives.
Traditionally, Death is the card of transformation. It signifies the commencement of profound change. In a Tarot reading, the Death card indicates that another life cycle has ended and a new cycle has begun. It can refer to the completion of important life stages or relationships. However, it often symbolizes metamorphosis. It is the rebirth of one's psyche. Old beliefs and ideas are discarded for new ones. In essence, it is a metaphorical death, not a literal one. In a tarot reading, Death refers to a transformation that occurs at one's deepest core.
One common association to the Death Tarot card is the dissipation of a romantic relationship. This is particularly true for relationships that have come to a standstill. This is not always the case. Death is a wake up call. It is reminding us to open our eyes and embrace the world around us. In this regard, it may refer to our own lack of perspective. The Death card encourages you to take a good look at your relationship. It's quite likely that your old methods of communicating have become outdated. It's important to acknowledge the areas that you are feeling stuck. The goal is to find a new perspective, a new way of seeing, that will enable the relationship to merge into something new.
In some aspects, the Death card signifies a need to let go. Relationships that resist change tend to get lost and lose momentum. It is at this point that a relationship must be willing to let go of its old identity to form a new one. Major change is inevitable. It's time to broaden your perspectives and explore new areas and interest that bring you together on an entirely new level.
Two of Swords Tarot Card Meanings in a Love Tarot Reading
The Two of Swords is often associated with denial. It often indicates an impasse or stalemate. Its traditional imagery depicts a women holding up two swords while blindfolded. In this context, the blind fold is self-imposed. She has clearly chosen to remain oblivious to the environment that surrounds her. The Two of Swords is also associated to indecision or an inability to make an important choice. It is clear that she is avoiding an important truth. She has created a false sense of reality and is choosing to live in a state of oblivion. This reality offers her a moment of peace. However, this does not negate the existence of the necessity of choosing a new path. At some point, the weight of the Swords will become too much to bear and she will be forced to face the reality of the situation.
In terms of relationships, the Two of swords often reveals the barriers you have placed between you and your partner. This is the nature of the stalemate. You have emotionally shut down or the relationship has become resistant to compromise. In this case, there are often issues of inner conflict or confusion about the relationship.
The issues your relationship is struggling with will not be found through outside influences. The Two of Swords urges you to once again go inward. It is time to face your inner conflicts. To move beyond your current stalemate, balance must be restored. This is often achieved by exploring the past experiences that are influencing your current situation. The Two of Swords encourages you to get honest with yourself and with your partner. The ultimate goal is to communicate and speak your truth.
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