Achieving your Law of Attraction Goals with Ease


Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in all the techniques of applying the Law of Attraction and forget this one little thing that makes a whole lot of difference in your life.

    You watch your every thought and you watch your every feeling.  You have become a robotron. You watch every word you say and every word everyone else says.  You are deconstructing your repetitive mental patterns every night and you visualize three times a day because more is better, right? 

    Every time someone says something to you, you filter it through the Law of Attraction Mind Grinder and either give LOA advice or allow.  Don't forget to allow.  You meditate every night and sit quietly with control as you connect to your Core Being and wait for insights.  Does this sound like someone enjoying his or her life?  Are you working too hard to achieve your goals in life?  This is a good question to ask yourself because it is supposed to be easy and serene and sometimes we can overdo it, thinking it will come that much faster.

    Controlling and micro managing the Universe are two of the top issues that many attempt when applying the Law of Attraction.  They either go way over the top (like the above scenario) or limit the Universe by figuring out in advance just 'how' the Universe will bring their desires.

    Remember to practice the Law of Attraction with ease. 

    Let go, and if you don't have the time to visualize for a day, relax and do it tomorrow, the key word being 'relaxed'.  Part of the balance of applying the Law of Attraction is to be relaxed and unattached to your desire.  Sure, that desire seems pretty important.  But when the desire becomes your end all, be all, you have officially become attached.  Attachment is control, micro managing, and trying to limit the Universe.  The Universe can take care of your desires, but not if you've become so attached to wanting them that you, in effect, create resistance.

    Create your vision, visualize, and when it is thought about, think of it with the joy of having it, and then LET IT GO so that the Universe can do its job with ease.  When you begin to hold your desire tight within you, let it go and know the Universe is taking care of it.  You don't have to be methodical about every little visualization or every little thought and feeling, because that would drive you buggy.  Imagine what the Universe would think!

    Be a kind person, enjoy life, give your desire over to the Universe, and enjoy the ride and see what happens. We are here to create, so enjoy the process and leave the rest up to the Universe. 


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