Increase Your Levels of Positive Energy With Your Mind
How much energy do you have during your day?
It is so important to have a good amount of energy from when you wake up in the morning to when you are ready to go to sleep. Although energy does not come from sleep. Rather it comes from your mind and the foods you eat. Having a healthy mind-set and eating nutritious food to fuel your body will make a difference in your results from day-to-day.
You can experience two forms of energy. The first is positive and the second is negative. One of the internal functions which produces energy is your emotions (energy in motion).
Motion creates movement as energy controls the direction of your movement and determines the level of energy you produce based on the level of thoughts you have. We live in a ocean of motion. Nothing stands still.
The patterns of thoughts you think influence your behavior which becomes a contributor to your energy waves as well. When you think negative or find yourself surrounded by negative people, negative energy can become quite overwhelming and can smother you. I call these people energy vampires.
In order to turn this around, you must be willing to have a strong mind-set that enables you to turn negatives into positives. The benefit to this is that you have energy to reach more of a positive state.
Increasing your levels can be done in the following 5 different ways...
Think of someone or something you love and makes you feel good
Go to a place in your mind that reminds you of a positive memory
Talk to people who bring out the best in you
Do something for someone that will make you feel good about yourself
Create a vision of where you see yourself to be in a positive way
Producing more positive energy in your life is combination of 3 key things. Once you make it a daily routine, stick to it, and develop a habit from it, you will see a transition happening within yourself.
1) Repetition
2) Emotional
3) Physical
When you repeat the thoughts in your mind, it permeates into your reality and becomes a habit through action. Repetition is the mother to all forms of learning. You must go through the steps until you engrave it into your belief system.
The more you invest into your emotions, you begin to create the reality of what you see in your mind. If you have high levels of energy, you will produce positive emotions. And if you create low levels of energy, you will produce negative emotions which will lead to negative results within your reality. The emotions you invest your time in is the type of energy you give life to.
Your physical nature is what you need to maintain on a daily basis so you can increase your energy to a higher state of positivity. Working out and pushing yourself to greater limits surpassing what your body is wanting to do, is the physical aspect of enhancing your energy or redirecting it from negative to positive. You have to develop a regiment that works best for you in all three areas to achieve the positive results you are seeking in you life.
Monica Bennett is an expert mind-set educator, executive coach, and independent Life Success Consultant who can take you from the brink of possibility to the path of infinite probability. She is also the author of the book called: How May I Serve which is a manuscript about her life experiences from low self-esteem to achieving great avenues of success. You can find out more information about Monica right here at:
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