Fuel Your Passion With Energy Positive Energy!

According to Physics, energy is the capacity of a physical system to perform work. Energy exists in several forms such as heat, kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy, electrical, or other forms.

Wikipedia defines energy as: It is often understood as the ability a physical system has to do work on other physical systems. Since work is defined as a force acting through a distance (a length of space), energy is always equivalent to the ability to exert pulls or pushes against the basic forces of nature, along a path of a certain length.

Or this: a measure of this capacity, expressed as the work that it does in changing to some specified reference state. It is measured in joules (SI units). Symbol E See also kinetic energy, potential energy.

Wow. Very technical isn't it? It even goes on further, but I think you get the gist, right? Think about it for a moment. Energy is even involved in thinking! Energy, in whatever form, is responsible for our every day survival. Our entire bodies are like thousands of batteries putting out impulses that stimulate our nervous system. Some of the "batteries" are fully charged and emit a strong positive energy while some of the weaker "batteries" produce negative energy. The negative "batteries" are trying to suck some life from the fully charged "batteries" in order to keep on going. Too many negatively charged batteries can sometimes overpower the positive batteries. Does this happen to you? Sure it does! It's a fact of life. We all can't run on positive batteries all the time otherwise we get burned out.

But let's narrow it down a bit.

For the sake of this article, let's just focus on your own personal energy and how it can affect what you do day in and day out.

For example: When you roll out of bed in the morning - what are your first thoughts (and I don't mean using the bathroom and making your coffee). lol When you finally get the crud flushed out of your eyes and cool water splashed on your face, and you sit down with your first cup of java - you start thinking about what you are planning to do for the day. Simple, right? Routine, right?

Well, yes it is. I make out my "To Do" list in the morning so I can strategically plan out my day. I form a plan - a road map, if you will. Do you do the same? Of maybe like some people, you turn on the TV and start watching the morning news. You go grab a second cup of coffee and you start watching Dr. Phil on TV. Before you know it, it's approaching lunch time! Where did the morning go? You got pulled in by the television and it is sapping your positive energy. Now you are scrambling trying to get everything done on your "To Do" list. Either that or maybe you just say "The heck with it. I don't feel like doing all that I needed to do since it's getting later in the day. I'll just do it tomorrow". Some of you, and probably a lot of you, are sitting there nodding your heads right now. You can identify, right? I know. Been there, done that myself.

Change takes time. It doesn't just happen over night. We are creatures of our own habits. Some good, some not so good. So what can we do to change that negative-sucking energy? I'm glad you asked.

Here is a challenge for you. Let's focus on changing your thought process. Now this pertains to your personal daily life as well as your business or career life.

We are going to focus on removing as much, if not all, of your negative energy, and we are going to turn it into positive energy. I am going to quote a statement that was printed in the book "The Energy Bus" written by Jon Gordon. Here's the shorthand version: "Every person, every career, every company, every organization, every family, and every team will have to overcome negativity, adversity, and challenges to define themselves and create success. Positive people, positive communication, positive interactions, and positive work and team cultures produce positive results."

Pretty straight-forward huh? Yep, it is. See, we have such an enormous control over what we feel, what we say, and how we live. Have you ever met someone who it seems just thrives on being gloomy, always whining "poor me", always complaining about not feeling well, etc.? Man, you spend 5 minutes with someone like that and you feel like someone stuck the Hoover vacuum hose in you and sucked everything right out of you! You feel totally drained. My neighbor is like that. I never ever see her happy go lucky. I never once hear her say "I feel great today (with a big smile)". Nope. Quite the contrary. But I no longer allow her negative energy to suck the life out of me. In fact I try and share my positive energy with her and some days it works, some days it doesn't. I guess there's just some people that prefer to live their life in the dumps no matter how much they deny it.

So let's move on to more "positive" things. Take out a piece of paper and grab a pen. On the top of the page write: "My Rules for Fueling my Energy".

Now you will probably start out with some simple, common things maybe like: I will drink one cup of coffee before I start my day and I will not turn on the TV.

Let me give you some suggestions, but I also want you to think out of the box, ok?

1. I am the boss of "myself".

2. Focus on moving myself in the right direction.

3. Fuel myself with "positive" energy.

4. Share my energy and vision with others and invite them to join you on your energy ride.

5. Do not waste my energy on those that don't share or support my vision.

6. Have a purpose, a goal, a vision for what I want to accomplish.

7. Have fun and enjoy my ride!

See if you can come up with about 12 rules for yourself - kind of like a 12-step program. When you have it complete, post it on your refrigerator or your bathroom mirror. On the edge of your computer screen. Anywhere where you can see it multiple times a day.

Why did I ask you to do this? Because writing down your thoughts takes energy and your thoughts are very powerful. When you identify what you desire and write down your vision, you begin the process of mobilizing that energy to create the life you want. Your "thoughts" can be applied to your family, your work, your business, etc.

You can't go somewhere if you don't have a vision of what that "somewhere" looks like and your plan to get there. Each day I ask you to focus on your vision for 10 minutes and see yourself creating all those things you wrote down on your list. Your thoughts are magnetic. When you "marry" your thoughts with your game plan (commonly called the Law of Attraction) the more it will show up in our lives. What you think about, you attract. It expands and grows. The more energy you put into your life, the more energy you will receive in return, and that pertains to positive AND negative energy. So let's grab the brass ring and concentrate on the "positive" side.

Think of it this way. "POSITIVE" energy is the high octane fuel for your body while "negative" energy is the sludge that accumulates in your body - your internal organs - your heart. Where there is a negative, there is also a positive. Let the positive shine through. Toss out the negative.

I will leave you with one final excerpt from The Energy Bus. * Remember that every bus trip and journey should be fun. * It doesn't have to be a difficult and painful ride. * Ask your yourself regularly how I can be more successful and have more fun in the process?. * Ask how I can bring more joy to the work I do. * Remind yourself and your team that the goal of every journey should be to arrive at your destination with a smile on your face. It's not just about the destination but about the team you become along the way.

And the most important one of all? Remember, you have only one ride through life so give it all you got and enjoy the ride!

To Your Success,

Becca Dixon


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